
WeWork Japan、LGBTQ+に関する取り組みを評価する 「PRIDE指標」最高位「ゴールド」を4年連続受賞 / WeWork Japan Earns “Gold” in the PRIDE Index for LGBTQ+ Initiatives for the Fourth Consecutive Year



*English Follows Japanese

フレキシブルオフィス WeWork を日本国内で展開するWWJ株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長 兼 CEO:ユー・ジョニー・ジョン・ワン、以下「WeWork Japan*1」)は、一般社団法人work with Prideが定める、LGBTQ+などの性的マイノリティ(以下、LGBTQ+)に関する取り組みを評価する「PRIDE指標2024」において、最高位の「ゴールド」を受賞しました。これにより、WeWork Japanは、2021年から4年連続でのゴールド受賞を達成しました。

■ 2024年の主な取り組み

WeWork Japanは、LGBTQIA+やSOGI(性的指向・性自認)に関するポリシーや社内外での啓蒙活動をさらに強化し、多様性と包摂性のある環境づくりを推進してきました。今年度は特に、以下の取り組みが評価されました。







WeWork Japanの社会意識へのサポート

WeWork Japanの、性的指向や性自認による差別をなくす「LGBT平等法」の制定を目指す「Equality Act Japan」への賛同や、婚姻の平等に賛同する企業を可視化するためのキャンペーン「Business for Marriage Equality」への賛同についての理解を促進するサイネージを掲示



「誰もがより働きやすい社会を目指す上で企業ができること」をテーマに、LGBTQIA+ の当事者であり、活動家の外部有識者を招いた WeWork Japan主催のイベントを開催。LGBTQIA+に関する問題を共有し、具体的な解決策を考える場を提供


WeWork Japanは、「人権ポリシー」に基づき、多様性と包括性のあるオフィス環境とコミュニティを提供しています。今後も、業界、性別、性的指向に関係なく、多様な価値観を尊重し、すべての人が自分らしく働ける働きやすい環境づくりを進めてまいります。


■PRIDE 指標について

work with Prideが目指す 「企業・団体等の枠組みを超えてLGBTQ+が働きやすい職場づくりを日本で実現する」ために、2016年6月に策定された評価指標です。この指標は、下記3つの目的の下、PRIDE の各文字に合わせた5つのカテゴリに分類されています。(出典:work with Pride PRIDE指標






  1. Policy (行動宣言)
  2. Representation (当事者コミュニティ)
  3. Inspiration (啓発活動)
  4. Development (人事制度・プログラム)
  5. Engagement/Empowerment(社会貢献・渉外活動)


参考(WeWork Japan過去プレスリリース)

*1「WeWork Japan」は、WWJ株式会社が日本国内で展開する、フレキシブルオフィス WeWork のフランチャイズ事業を運営する組織体を示します。

WeWork Japan Earns “Gold” in the PRIDE Index for LGBTQ+ Initiatives for the Fourth Consecutive Year

WWJ Corp. (“WeWork Japan*1”) , the operator of WeWork’s flexible office spaces in Japan, has been honored with the highest “Gold” rating in the “PRIDE Index 2024.” Established by the nonprofit organization Work with Pride, this index evaluates corporate initiatives supporting LGBTQ+ and other sexual minorities. This achievement marks the fourth consecutive year that WeWork Japan has received the prestigious Gold ranking since 2021, underscoring the company’s steadfast commitment to fostering an inclusive and equitable workplace.


Key Initiatives in 2024

WeWork Japan has enhanced its commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive environment through strengthened policies on LGBTQIA+ and SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) as well as educational activities for both internal and external audiences. This year, the following initiatives received particular recognition:

Pride Month Educational Activities

Signage was displayed at all WeWork locations during Pride Month to raise awareness about LGBTQIA+ issues and provide opportunities for WeWork members and employees to learn about diversity.

WeWork Japan’s Support for Social Awareness

WeWork Japan supported the “Equality Act Japan,” which aims to enact the LGBT Equality Act to eliminate discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Additionally, signage was used to promote understanding of the “Business for Marriage Equality” endorsement campaign, making it more visible.

Holding Events on the Theme of LGBTQIA+

WeWork Japan hosted an event featuring external experts who are LGBTQIA+ individuals and activists, focusing on the theme: “What companies can do to create a society where everyone can work more comfortably.”

WeWork Japan is committed to providing a diverse and inclusive office environment and community based on our “Human Rights Policy”. We will continue to respect diverse values, regardless of industry, gender, or sexual orientation, and create a comfortable work environment where all people can work authentically as themselves.


■ About PRIDE Index
The PRIDE Index was established in June 2016 by Work with Pride to achieve its mission of “creating workplaces in Japan where LGBTQ+ individuals can work comfortably, beyond the frameworks of companies, organizations, and other entities.” The index evaluates initiatives across five categories, each corresponding to a letter in PRIDE, based on the following three objectives. (Source: work with Pride PRIDE Indicators)

1.Encourage companies to recognize the requirements for LGBTQ+ friendly workplaces and use the index as a guideline for promoting internal policies.
2.Support the creation of LGBTQ+ friendly workplaces by collecting information annually on companies’ efforts and case studies in line with these indicators, and presenting awards to outstanding companies.
3.Publicize best practices from submitted examples to raise awareness and share concrete methods for creating LGBTQ+ friendly workplaces across society.

Classification Categories:
Policy: Declaration of action.
Representation: Concerned community.
Inspiration: Educational activities.
Development: Personnel systems/programs.
Engagement/Empowerment: Social contributions and external relations.


Reference(WeWork Japan Past Press Release )


*1 “WeWork Japan” refers to WWJ Corp., the organization managing the flexible office franchise WeWork in Japan.