WeWork Japan、「D&I AWARD 2024」において、 最高評価となる「ベストワークプレイス」に3年連続認定 / WeWork Japan Awarded “Best Workplace” in the “D&I AWARD 2024” for Third Consecutive Year
*English Follows Japanese
フレキシブルオフィス WeWork を日本国内で展開するWWJ株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長 兼 CEO:ユー・ジョニー・ジョン・ワン、以下「WeWork Japan*1」)は、株式会社JobRainbow(以下「JobRainbow」)が運営する、ダイバーシティ&インクルージョン(D&I)に取り組む企業を認定する日本最大のアワード「D&I Award 2024」において、最高位の「ベストワークプレイス認定」を受賞しました。これにより、2022年から3年連続での認定を達成しました。
WeWork Japanのダイバーシティスコアは92点で、昨年のスコアを上回り、日本国内だけでなく世界的にも高い水準でD&I推進に取り組む企業として評価されました。本認定は、企業文化にD&Iの理念を深く根付かせ、社員一人ひとりがD&I推進に積極的に関与している点が特に高く評価された結果です。
■ 2024年の主な取り組み
従業員の有志により形成されている3つのEmployee Community Group (ECG) 「Women of WeWork」「Pride of WeWork」「Parents at WeWork」による、社内のコミュニティ形成やイベントを開催
WeWork 入居メンバーとの連携により、包括的なコミュニティの活性化や啓蒙活動を推進。特に2024年は、エムベクタ社との共催イベント「Discover Yourself 2024」を東京・大阪・福岡で実施。1型糖尿病をもつ高校生・大学生に対し、キャリア教育支援、職場見学、交流の場の提供を行った(詳細:イベントレポート)
■D&I AWARDについて
「D&I AWARD」では、JobRainbowが開発した、企業のD&Iの取組みを可視化する「ジェンダー」「LGBTQ+」「障害」「多文化共生」「育児・介護」の5つの大項目を軸に、細分化した100項目を評価指標とするダイバーシティスコア(100点満点)によって認定されます。「マイノリティ」「マジョリティ」という枠を超えて、「すべての人」が包摂される組織・社会づくり活動の基準となる指標です。
■参考(WeWork Japan過去プレスリリース)
*1「WeWork Japan」は、WWJ株式会社が日本国内で展開する、フレキシブルオフィス WeWork のフランチャイズ事業を運営する組織体を示します。
WeWork Japan Awarded “Best Workplace” in the “D&I AWARD 2024” for Third Consecutive Year
WWJ Corp. (“WeWork Japan”*1), the operator of WeWork’s flexible office spaces in Japan, has been honored with the “Best Workplace” certification, the highest distinction in the “D&I AWARD 2024,” Japan’s largest diversity and inclusion (D&I) recognition program, organized by JobRainbow, Inc. This marks the third consecutive year since 2022 that WeWork Japan has achieved this prestigious recognition.
With a remarkable diversity score of 92, surpassing last year’s results, WeWork Japan continues to demonstrate a global standard of excellence in promoting D&I. The recognition highlights the company’s efforts to deeply embed the principles of D&I into its corporate culture and the proactive involvement of all employees in fostering an inclusive workplace.
■Key Initiatives in 2024
<Internal practices that respect diversity>
WeWork Japan has fostered an inclusive workplace by creating a bilingual environment, implementing gender-neutral evaluation criteria and promotion systems, and maintaining a targeted percentage of female managers. The company has also worked to build a culture of respect and consideration for LGBTQIA+ employees, ensuring diversity is deeply embedded in its organizational practices.
<Promoting flexible work styles tailored to each employee>
The company actively encourages parental leave for all employees, regardless of gender, and provides robust support to ease their return to work. Hybrid and full-flex systems, which combine telework with in-office work, continue to be key offerings, accommodating a range of employee needs while promoting work-life balance.
<Activation of internal communities>
Three Employee Community Groups (ECGs) “Women of WeWork”, “Pride of WeWork”, and “Parents at WeWork” are formed by employee volunteers to build internal communities and organize events.
<Fostering culture through collaboration with WeWork members>
WeWork Japan has strengthened its community by promoting inclusive engagement and awareness-raising activities in partnership with its members. In 2024, the company collaborated with embecta to host the “Discover Yourself 2024” event in Tokyo, Osaka, and Fukuoka. This initiative provided career education, workplace tours, and opportunities for exchange to high school and university students with type 1 diabetes, furthering its mission to create a supportive and empowering community. (event report).
■About D&I AWARD
The D&I AWARD is built on a diversity score out of 100 points, developed by JobRainbow. This score evaluates companies across 100 criteria organized into five major categories: gender, LGBTQ+, disability, multicultural conviviality, and childcare/nursing care. The diversity score provides a comprehensive visualization of a company’s D&I efforts and serves as a benchmark for fostering inclusive practices.
The “Best Workplace” certification represents the highest level of recognition within the D&I AWARD framework. It honors companies that deeply integrate the principles of diversity and inclusion into their corporate culture and services, while making a significant positive impact both internally and externally. This certification transcends distinctions between “minority” and “majority,” setting a standard for creating organizations and societies that are inclusive of all individuals.
※Source: “D&I AWARD” Judging and Evaluation (Japanese)
■Reference(WeWork Japan Past Press Release )
- WeWork Japan Recognized as “Best Workplace” in D&I AWARD 2022
- WeWork Japan Recognized as “Best Workplace” in D&I AWARD 2023
*1 “WeWork Japan” refers to WWJ Corp., the organization managing the flexible office franchise WeWork in Japan.