米国時間11月6日付:WeWork Inc. による発表について / Regarding Recent Report on WeWork Inc.
WeWork Japan 合同会社
WeWork Inc.が、米連邦破産法第11条(CHAPTER11)を申請したという発表がなされております。皆様におかれましては、当社WeWork Japanへの影響について、ご心配をおかけしているものと存じます。
当社はWeWork Inc.、ソフトバンク株式会社などの共同出資による合弁会社であり、単独の法人として独立性をもった経営を行っております。今回の申請は、手続的効力は当社に直接及ぶものではなく、財務上・運営上の直接的な影響が生じるものではありません。詳細に関しては、現在WeWork Inc.に事実関係を確認しております。
WeWork Japanは、引き続き入居メンバーの皆様にご満足いただけるサービスを提供いたします。
It has been announced that WeWork Inc. has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. We understand that you may be concerned about the impact this filing will have on our company, WeWork Japan GK.
WeWork Inc.’s filing concerns the United States and Canada, and does not include Japan. This application has no impact on WeWork Japan’s members, business partners, or real estate partners. The 40 locations we currently operate in Japan are operating as usual. Our locations in Japan have a high occupancy rate, and we plan to continue operating without change. There are no plans to close locations in Japan at this time.
Our company is a joint venture company, jointly invested by WeWork Inc., SoftBank Corp., and others, and is managed independently as a separate corporation. The procedural effects of this application do not directly affect our company, and there will be no direct financial or operational impact. Regarding details, we are currently confirming the facts with WeWork Inc.
WeWork Japan GK will continue to provide the highest quality product and services to our valued members.
WeWork Japan GK
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