
WeWork Japan、代表取締役社長 兼 CEOの交代に関するお知らせ / WeWork Japan Announces Leadership Transition — Appoints New Representative Director, President & CEO



*English Follows Japanese

フレキシブルオフィス WeWork を日本国内で展開するWWJ株式会社(本社:東京都港区、以下「WeWork Japan*1」)は、2025年3月24日開催の株主総会および取締役会での決議の通り、3月24日付で、現COO 兼 Head of Real Estate & Salesの熊谷 慶太郎が代表取締役社長 兼 CEOに就任したことをお知らせいたします。


この度、代表取締役社長 兼 CEOに就任する熊谷慶太郎は、2019年のWeWork Japan入社以降、Real Estate部門において全国の拠点立ち上げに携わり、さらにSales部門ではコロナ禍という厳しい環境の中、新たなオフィスの価値を見出し、入居メンバー一社一社に寄り添った柔軟なオフィス戦略を提案。入居メンバーの事業成長とともに、WeWork Japanの発展にも大きく貢献してきました。

2024年、WeWork JapanがWWJ株式会社としてソフトバンク株式会社の100%子会社となったタイミングで、COO 兼 Head of Real Estate & Salesに就任。組織横断での改革や業務プロセスの改善、収益性の向上に向けた戦略策定などを主導し、企業としての飛躍を力強く牽引してきた実績が、今回の人事決定につながりました。



*1「WeWork Japan」は、WWJ株式会社が日本国内で展開する、フレキシブルオフィス WeWork のフランチャイズ事業を運営する組織体を示します。


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WeWork Japan Announces Leadership Transition —
Appoints New Representative Director, President & CEO

WWJ Corp. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, hereafter “WeWork Japan”*¹), the operator of WeWork’s flexible office spaces in Japan, today announces that Keitaro Kumagai, currently serving as COO and Head of Real Estate & Sales, will assume the position of Representative Director, President & CEO as of March 24, 2025, following a resolution passed at the Board of Directors meeting held on March 24, 2025.

Background of Appointment

Keitaro Kumagai, newly appointed as Representative Director, President & CEO of WeWork Japan, has played a pivotal role in the company’s growth since joining in 2019. In the Real Estate division, he contributed to the successful launch of locations nationwide. Later, in the Sales division, he navigated the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic by redefining the value of office space and proposing flexible, member-centric strategies tailored to each company. His efforts not only supported the business growth of WeWork members but also greatly contributed to the advancement of WeWork Japan itself.

In 2024, coinciding with WeWork Japan’s transition to WWJ K.K., and becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of SoftBank Corp., Mr. Kumagai was appointed Chief Operating Officer and Head of Real Estate & Sales. In that role, he led cross-functional transformation, improved operational processes, and formulated strategies to enhance profitability. These achievements were key factors behind his appointment as CEO.

Looking ahead, Mr. Kumagai will focus on elevating service quality, activating community engagement to drive innovation, and expanding into new business areas to create added value in the future of work. He is also committed to strengthening organizational capabilities and enhancing WeWork Japan’s value as a global platform. In addition, he aims to deepen co-creation with SoftBank, especially by accelerating digital transformation and the use of technology to realize next-generation workstyles.


*1 “WeWork Japan” refers to the organization operating the weWork franchise in Japan under WWJ Corp.